Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Riverfront Amphitheater

Okay, I'm still doing research on amphitheaters located on the North American continent, primarily in the United States, but I have found one thing that is good and one thing that is questionable (this may be due to my lack of knowledge about the Riverfront amphitheater in Alton) as I see it. The good thing is --- it exists and the site is in a terrific place for events near downtown Alton and the Clark Bridge. The questionable thing is not so bad: other venues have a greater capacity for patrons, and in many cases have added seating using "stadium style seats".

As I have been looking at the Alton Riverfront area, I notice that there is something that can still be added upon, IF someone has the guts and foresight to take a few hundred thousand dollars to put into play another tract of land near Riverfront Park. And that something/somewhere is the old Great Central Lumber company property --- primarily unused since it closed its Alton location. I think that if someone were to rehabilitate that property, it would enhance the whole of the riverfront area. If someone has any contact information regarding this property and who may be able to kick-start such a project --- please have them contact me.

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